Project Screening
Even the best planning and implementation of a project cannot rectify the mistakes made in the preceding screening process. Selecting projects carefully and diligently according to clearly defined goals holds the greatest optimization potential when creating new infrastructure. In order to be able to select the most suitable projects from planned undertakings, goal-oriented criteria have to be defined beforehand. They reflect the different requirements from the different infrastructure areas and the specific challenges.
Role of EMC
EMC gives advice to public and private institutions, banks and investors in all business areas on selecting and defining projects. Together with clients and other stakeholders, EMC develops and ranks relevant criteria to establish sound foundations for decision-making to justify and optimize investments. When implementing projects, EMC uses optimized tools and relies on many years of expertise gained as consultant in different business areas and on experience gained as developer and shareholder of infrastructure projects.
Benefits to Clients
EMC helps clients to identify the best project solutions based on decision relevant criteria. A screening process coordinated with clients and other stakeholders early on in the development phase ensures that envisaged project solutions are feasible and that the best possible solution is given preference. Depending on the characteristics of the project, services may range from optimizing the cost-benefit relation to maximizing the entrepreneurial success.